Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal( - 1993), Dark Ambient(1994 - 1995)
Lyrics: Satanic, Anti-Religion, Occult
1. Intro (Tireheb) 00:44
2. Salomon's Gate 03:42
3. Nocturnal Evil 02:53
4. Sadomatic Rites 04:07
5. Black Arts 03:33
6. The Gate of Nanna 04:15
7. Nuclear Girl 01:32
8. Unholy Pagan Fire 03:53
9. Down There... 02:36
10 .Summerlands 03:20
11. Werewolf, Semen and Blood 03:08
12. Thou Angel of the Gods 02:22
13. Lord of Shadows and Golden Wood 03:23
Everyone into black metal should have heard Beherit's masterpiece at least once! Download it, listen to it and buy it!
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